Letterhead Design
The #1 custom letterhead design service with 1,243,112 designers
- 1,243,112 freelance designers
- 25 - 100+ designs per project
- 499,636 completed projects
- Money back guarantee*

Only the best letterhead design
Here's why 100,000+ businesses have chosen DesignCrowd:
Save money & time
Our letterhead design starts at a low price with options to meet any budget. On average letterhead projects start to receive designs within a few hours.
More creativity
With freelance letterhead designers across the globe competing on your project, you'll receive heaps of letterheads ideas - you just need to choose the best.
A world of letterhead design
Professional freelance letterhead designers around the world ready to create you the perfect letterhead.
Money back guarantee*
If you're not satisfied with the letterhead designs and don't get the perfect letterhead for your business, get your money back*
Get a better letterhead design for less
Use DesignCrowd's creative community to get your perfect letterhead at a price that fits your budget.
Launch your project
Tell us what you need, complete your creative brief in a matter of minutes.
Get custom designs
Receive unique letterhead designs from around the world within hours.
Choose the best letterhead
Select and approve your favorite design and download the files.
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Letterhead Design Q&A
What is custom letterhead design and what will I get?
Make an impression with every single document you create! Every letterhead designed by designers on DesignCrowd is created to re-inforce your message and present your brand in a positive light before someone even reads the content.
Once your project is complete, you'll receive all the files you need to incorporate your letterhead into business documents. This includes print ready vector files and a web preview file, like a JPG on PNG. Of course, you also get full legal copyright of the design.
Does my business need a custom letterhead?
Definitely! If your business wants to be taken seriously, a striking letterhead design is paramount. This ensures the business contacts know exactly who you are, and reinforces the key elements of your brand, whatever industry you're in.
A custom letterhead provides a personal but professional touch to all your correspondence, and allows you to emphasise your brand through colours, logos and messaging.
How do I get a letterhead design from DesignCrowd?
Simply launch a project on DesignCrowd, choose your budget and tell us what you'd like to see on your letterhead by completing your creative brief.
Work with DesignCrowd's talented designer community across the globe to find stunning ideas for a letterhead design that will deliver on your brand message.
What do I need to do to get my perfect business letterhead?
Be as clear and detailed in your design brief as possible. Provide any required assets (such as a logo, company colors etc) and set your budget. During the creative process, provide constructive feedback on the letterhead designs to designers to ensure you get a great result.
The more input you have and detail you provide in your letterhead design brief, the better the results!
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