T-shirt Design
The #1 custom t-shirt design service with 1,243,112 designers
- 1,243,112 freelance designers
- 25 - 100+ designs per project
- 499,636 completed projects
- Money back guarantee*

Only the best t-shirt design
Here's why 100,000+ businesses have chosen DesignCrowd:
Save money & time
Our t-shirt design starts at a low price with options to meet any budget. On average t-shirt projects start to receive designs within a few hours.
More creativity
With freelance t-shirt designers across the globe competing on your project, you'll receive heaps of t-shirts ideas - you just need to choose the best.
A world of t-shirt design
Professional freelance t-shirt designers around the world ready to create you the perfect t-shirt.
Money back guarantee*
If you're not satisfied with the t-shirt designs and don't get the perfect t-shirt for your business, get your money back*
Get a better t-shirt design for less
Use DesignCrowd's creative community to get your perfect t-shirt at a price that fits your budget.
Launch your project
Tell us what you need, complete your creative brief in a matter of minutes.
Get custom designs
Receive unique t-shirt designs from around the world within hours.
Choose the best t-shirt
Select and approve your favorite design and download the files.
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T-shirt Design Q&A
What is custom t-shirt design and what will I get?
Custom, branded t-shirts can be a true workhorse for marketing, team spirit and company culture. If you want to promote your cool new startup or a new product, custom t-shirt design can help you get your company up close and personal with your target market.
Once your t-shirt design is complete, you'll receive all the files you need to get your t-shirt printed. This includes the required vector files and a web preview file that a custom t-shirt printer can work with. Of course, you also get full legal copyright of the design.
Does my business need custom t-shirts?
Sure! More and more, companies are wising up to what people actually want to wear, and hire talented designers to give them branded t-shirts anyone would be proud to have in their wardrobe.
A quality custom t-shirt design doesn't have to cost you a fortune and can be the go to clothing items for most employees if it looks good and fits well.
How do I get a t-shirt design from DesignCrowd?
To get started, simply launch a t-shirt design project on DesignCrowd, set your budget and tell our t-shirt designers a bit about what you'd like the t-shirt to look like.
DesignCrowd has its very own legion of inspired creatives, ready to produce a t-shirt that is fashionable, affordable and effective for your business - all you need to do is write a brief and provide feedback on the designs.
What do I need to do to get my own t-shirt design?
To get a t-shirt design you'll love and that employees will wear, be clear and detailed in your design brief. During the creative process, provide clear and detailed feedback on the t-shirt ideas to designers to ensure you get what you want.
The more involved you are in the t-shirt design process and the more feedback you provide in your, the better the results!
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