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If anything gets too familiar, change direction Design Studio

If anything gets too familiar, change direction

  • 3 read
  • 12/05/2022
New Brand

Ben and Paul founded DesignStudio with this idea at its heart. A restless desire for change, to continually push beyond our comfort zone, to constantly seek new opportunities that ensure we’re the very best we can be.

And it’s forced us to adapt as a business, time and again. From the early days of partnering with Nokia, through iconic rebrands of Airbnb, Deliveroo, The Premier League, Riot, and more, to making big international moves with the opening of our incredible studios in Sydney and New York.

It’s been an incredible run. And yet here we are at another one of those inflection points. A moment to ask ourselves the same big questions we ask of our clients: to question if the story we tell does justice to the incredible outcomes we’ve collectively achieved.

The pandemic changed our world dramatically. It forced us to adapt once again, to find ways to connect with clients through new means and design new methods of working as a team.

And as we’ve been through this journey of reinvention, the same story comes through that’s highlighted to me what makes this place so special, what it is that makes DS truly unique.

It’s embodied by every one of our incredible 100+ people. It’s a philosophy that each of us shares. And today we’re telling the world about it.

We call it Radical Collaboration.

Brands at the forefront of culture embrace it. Ambitious organisations demand it. And we believe it’s fundamental to creating the most remarkable and impactful work.

This philosophy of Radical Collaboration necessitates an unrivalled way of working. One that goes deeper into the communities that embrace a brand, one that puts designers in the boardroom from day one, one that transcends disciplines, and one that ultimately gives our clients the confidence to push what’s possible.

I genuinely believe that it’s an experience like no other. But it’s not for everyone, the process demands a lot of our teams and our clients. It’s a mutual commitment we make to one another. But it’s a lot of fun too! What we build with our clients and partners goes so far beyond the work we do.

This is what makes this place so special. This shared philosophy. This belief in the power of radical collaboration to create remarkable change. This is what makes DS truly unique.

Today we’re excited to tell this story to the world. While it’s been in our DNA from the very beginning, we’re now reflecting it through a more confident and charismatic identity and a new site that gives more of a sense of what Radical Collaboration can achieve.

We’re so grateful for all of our clients and collaborators that we’ve had the privilege of working with over the years. I’m truly grateful for each and every member of the DS family that makes this possible.

This moment is testament to what we’ve achieved together and a signal of the incredible future that’s yet to come.

Mark Liney
Group CEO of DesignStudio